About Me

I'm a Cloud IT Specialist.
I'm 21 y.o.

I've studied at ITTS Carlo Grassi (IT School) in Turin, Italy, and I'm graduate in 2020 and after I'm studing at ICT ITS Piemonte.
I'm studing Cloud IT, because the future of informatic technoly is only on Cloud. So I'm a good designer, and a good programmer (I think 😋).

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My Works

Some of my projects are on GitHub.

Microsoft ASP .NET Core

Is a special Microsft's framework .NET Core, you can code an MVC Website for example.
MVC (Model View Controller) is coded on C#, cshtml, HTML_RAZOR, CSS (bootstrap), javascript.
So you can code for example a streaming website with DB (database) in Cloud, like Microsoft Azure, manage with SQL Server Management Studio and coded all on Visual Studio.

Cloud Database

La più ampia scelta di database ad hoc per tutte le esigenze delle applicazioni. Avere un database in locale ormai non ha piu' senso, meglio averne uno tutto gestito e personalizzato in cloud.
Servizi di cloud database come Microsft Azure o AWS (Amazon Web Services) sono tra i piu' famosi e offrono tantissime funzionalita'.


Cloud che non è altro che uno spazio di archiviazione personale, chiamato talvolta anche cloud storage che risulta essere accessibile in qualsiasi momento ed in ogni luogo utilizzando semplicemente una qualunque connessione ad Internet.
Bisogna comunque precisare che con il termine cloud, oltre che a riferirsi al cloud storage, a volte ci si potrebbe riferire anche ad altri servizi offerti dal cloud computing.

Docker Container

Docker is a software platform that allows you to create, test and deploy applications with maximum speed.
Docker collects software into standardized units called containers that offer everything you need for them proper execution, including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime. This application in developed using Node.js Express and MongoDB Atlas connection with mongoose framework.
This is an API rest in Node.js

FraCata00 on GitHub

This is my dev account on GitHub, and you can find all my repositories on my account.
I share some of my projects inside this platform, because GitHub is the best site or platform to share code, to other programmer or developer.

Program Languages and Software

Some of the program languages and SW that I use.

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My GitHub Profile

Contact Me

Contact me on Linkedin, Instagram or GitHub.

Contact Info


Via San Marchese 17/3,
Venaria Reale, Torino
Piemonte, Italy


(+39) 347 821 5027

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